A Fabulist Science Fiction Performance Series

Lauren Connell Johnson attributes her upbringing in Florida, America’s weirdest state to her interest in the ecological and surreal. Her writing has appeared in the Swamp Ape Review, the Racket Journal, The Critical Flame, Pacifica Literary Review, Museum of Science Fiction, Oracle Fine Arts Review, and others. She earned her MFA in creative writing at American University and lives in San Francisco, where she is a co-host of Babylon Salon, a quarterly Bay Area reading series. @laurencjohnson

Matt Carney is a Latinx writer and musician residing in San Francisco. He holds an MA and MFA from SFSU. His fiction and poetry have appeared in A cappella Zoo, Inkwell, Red Light Lit, Writing Without Walls, sPARKLE & bLINK, Entropy, Anti-Heroin Chic, Tilted House and in readings at seedy bars across California. His short story ‘On Becoming’ was a finalist in the 2017 Omnidawn Fabulist Fiction Contest. Find his musical project N! on Bandcamp and Spotify.

📸 Photos by Churchill Morris

“Sirocco the Raptor!” Illustration by Brian Valeza @invadertots

Born in San Jose and living in San Francisco’s Sunset District, Dev Bhat is a musician, composer, sound designer, and copywriter. He grew up performing in bands that could be characterized as industrial rock, shoegaze, hardcore punk, drone, doom, and ambient. Dev’s solo work features synthetic and organic textures using analog synthesizers, old tape recorders, samplers, drum machines, loopers, and a dense combination of effects processors. He draws inspiration from nature, horror films, classic video games, 90s anime, and all forms of speculative fiction. @shipwreckdetective

“Sirocco the Raptor!” Illustration by Brian Valeza @invadertots

Born in San Jose and living in San Francisco’s Sunset District, Dev Bhat is a musician, composer, sound designer, and copywriter. He grew up performing in bands that could be characterized as industrial rock, shoegaze, hardcore punk, drone, doom, and ambient. Dev’s solo work features synthetic and organic textures using analog synthesizers, old tape recorders, samplers, drum machines, loopers, and a dense combination of effects processors. He draws inspiration from nature, horror films, classic video games, 90s anime, and all forms of speculative fiction. @shipwreckdetective

✵ The Club Chicxulub Alumni ✵

The Inaugural Show : 11.17.2021